Has anyone ever experienced that moment in motherhood where music has played a special role? Whether it is soothing a baby, dancing with a toddler or connecting with an emerging adolescent, music has amazing power.
I grew up in a house that was rich with music…the Doors, Rolling Stones, Bonnie Raitt, and Bruce Springsteen. It created an incredible soundtrack to my childhood and a cultural education that I didn't even know I was getting. Most importantly, music created an intimate connection with my parents – because no one else shared our favorite songs.
As an adult, music has been an important element in my relationship with my kids. My most recent encounter with the power of music happened last weekend on a roadtrip from New Jersey to Maryland with my ten year old daughter for her hockey tournament. Given that there are four children in our family, it is very special to have time alone with any of them. She and I shared a great weekend. But the most incredible part was fueled by one song.
On our ride back home, my daughter was playing music from her I-Pod. She stumbled upon a song that I had loaded for her by Garrett Gue called SUGAR. It is a terrific song. If chocolate gets you through your day, you will smile. Play it.
But the magic came, when she realized that she loved the song as much as I did. We started singing along, then replaying the song to memorize the lyrics. Her I-Pod eventually ran out of charge, but not before we could sing every word by heart! She had her favorite line and I had mine. We were laughing and loving!
Music is powerful! Enjoy it with your kids! It teaches, connects and often makes you smile. The Music of Motherhood will be a regular feature on the PRIMARY DILEMMA Blog. Please share your own music moments!
Be Well!