Mommy Wars Reignited: One Size Does Not Fit All – by guest author Laura Lane

Lately, I’ve been following the controversy surrounding the U.S. release of Elisabeth Badinter’s book TheConflict: How Modern Motherhood Undermines the Status of Women. I haven’t been able to get a copy of the book yet, but the description says:

Now, in an explosive new book, she points her finger at a most unlikely force undermining the status of women: liberal motherhood, in thrall to all that is “natural.” Attachment parenting, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, and especially breast-feeding—these hallmarks of contemporary motherhood have succeeded in tethering women to the home and family to an extent not seen since the 1950s.

As I read reactions to her book online, I thought about how we often make blanket proclamations about what is best for mothers and children without taking into account individual circumstances and experiences. When it comes to making decisions as a parent, I firmly believe one size does not fit all.

For example, I read an article where the writer, a mom, says “of course, we all know breast is best.” My children might disagree. As babies, their tiny mouths couldn’t latch onto my inverted nipples, and, even if they had been able to grasp on, there was precious little milk to be had. For my children, breast wasn’t even possible, let alone the best option.

I grieved over the fact that I couldn’t nurse my daughter or son, and when pumping didn’t go well either, I felt I had failed my children badly. When I broke down and poured my heart out to a wise mother she said, “All you can do is your best in any given moment. Ignore everything you read or hear about how to be a good mother or raise your children. Trust your own instincts.”

My husband also reminded me of how we can get so focused on the risks and benefits of one decision that we lose sight of the bigger picture. He reassured me a thousand times that having a happy, relaxed bottle-feeding mother was important to our children’s wellbeing too.

I’m not trying to advocate bottle feeding over breastfeeding. I’m simply saying that what’s best for one mother might not work for the next, and to proclaim that one way of having or raising children is better than another only engenders anguish, anger, and envy among mothers. I think weal have areas where we feel we’ve failed our kids or haven’t measured up. For me, not being able to breastfeed was a huge loss. I’ve talked with other moms who mourn having to go back to work or moms who feel guilty because they are unhappy staying at home and miss the excitement of their careers.

Being a mother hits you over the head with the fact that nothing is perfect, and there are always tradeoffs with every decision that’s made. I often remind myself that I know many wonderful people who did not have perfect mothers, and yet they turned out fine, better than fine actually. So whether it’s breast or bottle, co-sleep or crib, work or stay at home, maybe the most important thing is to do what feels right for our children, ourselves, and our families and let the rest go.

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